#1 Cloud Computing
At this point, most of us have probably heard about cloud computing, but what is it exactly? Microsoft explained that such a term basically refers to any computing work conducted via the Internet. This may include data analytics and storage, or even network and software management. The term was first found back in 1996 as part of an internal document produced by Compaq. Today, even digital whiteboards are equipped with such features. Thanks to it, teachers and students can retrieve any useful information related to their classroom activities, regardless of place and time. They can either download, edit, share, or simply view those materials remotely after every session.
#2 Screen Recording
Speaking of downloading and viewing materials, those tasks would be nearly impossible without the presence of a screen recording element in the first place. It allows digital whiteboards to be a highly convenient device for students since they can now revise and take information from past lessons at any time they want, especially if they are not able to attend a class. As for the lecturers, they no longer have to go through the hassle of providing and keeping physical notes for every teaching session. They can simply save and replay any audio or video file, as well as presentation slides, with just a few clicks.
#3 Touch Sensor
Another great feature which makes utilising a digital smart board for teaching an absolute game-changer is its ability to recognise various hand gestures virtually. From single, double, or multiple fingers, teachers can create almost anything on the board – from impromptu diagrams to additional notes – straight away. With the right motion control setup, even kindergarten toddlers can get involved and express their creativity in a more interactive manner. If they make an error, just ask them to make certain finger gestures – which have been configured and personalised beforehand – to undo it. Totally easy, isn’t it?
#4 Voice Identification
What is the one thing that Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri have in common? The answer is quite obvious: they are all voice-activated. Now, think of the awesomeness of those devices when it comes to responding to verbal commands, and imagine the same thing happening to a digital board. That is exactly what many smart boards on the market offer right now. They come with speech detection systems that can identify various voice instructions and convert them into basic actions, including finding a file and conducting an Internet search. There is no doubt that having a digital whiteboard for teaching purposes is a long-term investment that is certainly going to be worth it, especially for learners. Hence, it is important to search for the type of board that suits your teaching requirements and preferences the best.