+6012-231 5521 keayanho@5tech.com.my

Electronic Whiteboard Malaysia

Electronic Whiteboard

Our smart board supplies are highly multifunctional and one of their features is the ability to be used as an electronic whiteboard Malaysia. Digital whiteboard Malaysia offers various benefits over the traditional whiteboard or blackboard and can be used for commercial, residential or educational purposes. With various sizes available, such as 100″, 86″, 75″, 65″, 55″ and 49″, our versatile digital whiteboard Malaysia offer the following benefits:

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Fun Learning

Teachers and students can use their own handwriting to write on the whiteboard, giving them a more natural feel with more confidence and faster adaptability. Pictures and graphics can also be added, which makes the learning experience much more fun as compared to the typical blackboards or whiteboards.

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Student Engagement

Electronic whiteboard Malaysia is also multifunctional, which makes them better for use in group activities. This will increase the emotional and social skills of children. On top of that, it also encourages students and teachers to have better cooperation and collaboration with each other.

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Reduce Costs

With just internet connectivity, online resources can be accessed by students and teachers. This saves time and money as teachers and the educational institution do not have to spend on books or physical resources. Moreover, digital whiteboard Malaysia is easy to use, so training is typically not required.

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Students are able to save their work as well as submit their work online, which is a benefit that is time-efficient. To top it all off, students are able to keep track of their progress online, while having the option to draw on the board. By making full use of all the available features, students are also able to express themselves whilst doing the assigned tasks.